Daban Model

 Daban Model is a Chinese company that produced cheap version of gunpla. They are not necessarily try to fool people into buying fake gunpla, rather they provide much cheaper alternative for people who are not sure to invest their full wallet into buying Bandai gunplas. Particularly Master Grades.

Daban's gunpla quality is - to be expected, inferior than Bandai's. With some unit fare worse than others, though generally the newer the kit is, the better the quality. Also trickles down to snapfits as well, some pegs need to be sanded, and some need to be glued.

If you can and have the money, you should buy original Bandai version. Only buy third party kits if:
1. The original Bandai kit is not available anymore in your local market,
2. You want to practice painting your kits,
3. You want to replace missing pieces on your kit (this is generally a luck-based situation; some bootleg parts might not be compatible with Bandai ones)
4. Bandai doesn't release the kit variation that you wanted.


List of Daban High Grades

66 series (early ones, they're exact copy of Bandai design)
88 series (later ones, Daban usually spice them up with their own original design)

Mega Size
Perfect Grade


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